v | Display version information.
rc | Reconnect bot.
rm | Uninstalls the malware from the system, but does not remove its registry entry.
s | Join a channel that corresponds to the country code.
s -n | Join #new channel for newly infected machine.
s -a | Join #admin or #user channel depending on rights.
s -v | Join #<version> channel. E.g. #1.0.3
us | Part #country code channel.
us -n | Part #new channel.
us -a | Part #admin or #user channel depending on rights.
us -v | Part from version channel.
stats | Display login credential stealing and malware spreading status.
stats -l | Display login credential stealing status.
stats -s | Display malware spreading status.
logins | Display all stolen login credentials.
logins –c | Clear logins credentials.
m on | Turn on mute.
m off | Turn off mute.
dl <http file> -r | Download and execute with ruskill feature.
dl <http file> -n | Download and execute file.
mod msn <on | off> | Turn on/off MSN spreader module.
msn.int <interval> | Set the number of interval for messager.
msn.set <message to spread> | Set the message to spread on messager.
http.inj <on | off> | Turn on/off HTTP spreader module.
http.int <interval> | Set the number of interval.
http.set <message to spread> | Set the message to spread on HTTP sites.
mdns <domain> | Block domain.
mdns <domain 1> <domain2> | Redirect domain 1 to domain 2.
vs <url> 0 | Visit url with windows hidden.
vs <url> 1 | Visit url with windows shown.
up <URL> <MD5 sum check> | Update malware.
slow <URL> <number of minutes> | Perform DDOS with slow lories.
udp <domain> <port> <number of seconds> | Perform DDOS with UDP flood.
ssyn <domain> <port> <number of seconds> | Perform DDOS with SYN flood.
mod usbi <on | off> | Turn on/off USB auto run spreader module.
rc | Reconnect bot.
rm | Uninstalls the malware from the system, but does not remove its registry entry.
s | Join a channel that corresponds to the country code.
s -n | Join #new channel for newly infected machine.
s -a | Join #admin or #user channel depending on rights.
s -v | Join #<version> channel. E.g. #1.0.3
us | Part #country code channel.
us -n | Part #new channel.
us -a | Part #admin or #user channel depending on rights.
us -v | Part from version channel.
stats | Display login credential stealing and malware spreading status.
stats -l | Display login credential stealing status.
stats -s | Display malware spreading status.
logins | Display all stolen login credentials.
logins –c | Clear logins credentials.
m on | Turn on mute.
m off | Turn off mute.
dl <http file> -r | Download and execute with ruskill feature.
dl <http file> -n | Download and execute file.
mod msn <on | off> | Turn on/off MSN spreader module.
msn.int <interval> | Set the number of interval for messager.
msn.set <message to spread> | Set the message to spread on messager.
http.inj <on | off> | Turn on/off HTTP spreader module.
http.int <interval> | Set the number of interval.
http.set <message to spread> | Set the message to spread on HTTP sites.
mdns <domain> | Block domain.
mdns <domain 1> <domain2> | Redirect domain 1 to domain 2.
vs <url> 0 | Visit url with windows hidden.
vs <url> 1 | Visit url with windows shown.
up <URL> <MD5 sum check> | Update malware.
slow <URL> <number of minutes> | Perform DDOS with slow lories.
udp <domain> <port> <number of seconds> | Perform DDOS with UDP flood.
ssyn <domain> <port> <number of seconds> | Perform DDOS with SYN flood.
mod usbi <on | off> | Turn on/off USB auto run spreader module.
Download https://mega.nz/#!uFFlhY7Q!Vvs8Pbp_nx3-vAgImk-vVsjmfJ08d9zdWh8BDRazl6g
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