Botnet Dirt Jumper v5

Dirt jumping - DDoS power system with great potential .
Boat Dirt jump on board there are 4 types of attacks .
Let us consider each of them in detail :
HTTP Flood : This attack can cause server overload due to repeated requests frequently , usually http packets .
A chip of this approach is the feedback received from the server , the bot is waiting for a response as soon as the server is ready to meet the boat to break the connection and send a new request .
Pros - Fast query a large load on the server, and traffic otsutstvie full of water , allowing you to make queries in a unit time .
Cons - there is no way to create a large data packet is sent, but in my opinion this is not required ( if an Internet channel is not large by the small size of the package , send query more in a single unit of time ) , so it may even be due to the surface .
Sync Flood : This attack method is effective only when the flow of more than 150 . Boats simultaneously query all topics . Wait for the server to respond to all the themes, and the process repeated in a circle .
In fact , the basis of this attack is the first method .
Pros - A unit of time is called load greater than the first method
Cons - In this method , the computer freezes the victim query execution . And if a computer or the Internet may even fainted a crash .
So , as the server is not constant attacks that the low number of boats allowed .
Download the floods :
However, this method can clog the victim channel .
Boat pump target image . Can download everything from html code Exe end of any page ..
Pros - big load for each channel , the ability to download any Old .
Cons - query speed is lower than the first method , the channel can score temporarily victims and types of lines , is due not even load to the server can be exploited .
POST flood : And this , in my opinion , one of the great methods best !
Bot can make GET and POST requests at the same time !
That is , it can send a user name and password in the form of random , causing a high load on the server : database , the processor clipboard .
Pluses - This method allows the recording of traffic channels in the country , providing the greatest load on the server from all other types .
Cons - query speed is lower than the first method , which can clog the channels outgoing traffic , but the packet size you specify in the preparation of the team .
With these types of attacks have figured out , move on .
General characteristics of the bot :
1 . Multithreaded attack !
2 . Topics and the type of attack , you can change the attack , did not stop her !
3 . Boats also set http and https .
4 . Bot can attack domain name : port ; ftp , http , and so on .
5 . You can attack simultaneously up to 999 sites .
6 . Bot randomly change the User Agent .
7 . Referer Bot random changes .
8 . It may be blocking access to the administration console IP .
9 . All files in their transition to admin to see a 404 error .
10 . Even administrators will display a file 404 until you enter the valid password can be .
For example : GET - password " passwd " (specified in configuration ) in transition
? admin.php login = pass - will be a 404 , as with any true value is not
admin.php login = passwd - is a form of authorization ?
11 . Statistics Online and the total number of national programs .
I also want to say a few words about the bot system administrator .
1 . Comfortable and beautiful admin panel .
2 . 's No need to bother with the command specified site , said line , select a type of attack , press start and you 're done!
I would like to draw attention to the bot . In uncompressed and encrypted boat weighs about 180kb , I pressed 80 .
Otstuk about 96.8 % .
Details , details the life of the bot :
Reload 1k Asia without crypt , 100-200 exact day program . ( Various different sale )
Loaded 1k Asia crypt , an exact date bots online 300-400 .
And to be clear on that one day knock almost all programs .
A few words about the article :
In the area of governance , you can not see the list of programs , because , according to my opinion , is not necessary .
Statistics show only 2 - m parameters
Today : unique program in the last 24 hours .
Online : No online programs , it is ready to attack .
But other than that you can see how many national programs are online , or even knock a day .
Boat Dirt jump on board there are 4 types of attacks .
Let us consider each of them in detail :
HTTP Flood : This attack can cause server overload due to repeated requests frequently , usually http packets .
A chip of this approach is the feedback received from the server , the bot is waiting for a response as soon as the server is ready to meet the boat to break the connection and send a new request .
Pros - Fast query a large load on the server, and traffic otsutstvie full of water , allowing you to make queries in a unit time .
Cons - there is no way to create a large data packet is sent, but in my opinion this is not required ( if an Internet channel is not large by the small size of the package , send query more in a single unit of time ) , so it may even be due to the surface .
Sync Flood : This attack method is effective only when the flow of more than 150 . Boats simultaneously query all topics . Wait for the server to respond to all the themes, and the process repeated in a circle .
In fact , the basis of this attack is the first method .
Pros - A unit of time is called load greater than the first method
Cons - In this method , the computer freezes the victim query execution . And if a computer or the Internet may even fainted a crash .
So , as the server is not constant attacks that the low number of boats allowed .
Download the floods :
However, this method can clog the victim channel .
Boat pump target image . Can download everything from html code Exe end of any page ..
Pros - big load for each channel , the ability to download any Old .
Cons - query speed is lower than the first method , the channel can score temporarily victims and types of lines , is due not even load to the server can be exploited .
POST flood : And this , in my opinion , one of the great methods best !
Bot can make GET and POST requests at the same time !
That is , it can send a user name and password in the form of random , causing a high load on the server : database , the processor clipboard .
Pluses - This method allows the recording of traffic channels in the country , providing the greatest load on the server from all other types .
Cons - query speed is lower than the first method , which can clog the channels outgoing traffic , but the packet size you specify in the preparation of the team .
With these types of attacks have figured out , move on .
General characteristics of the bot :
1 . Multithreaded attack !
2 . Topics and the type of attack , you can change the attack , did not stop her !
3 . Boats also set http and https .
4 . Bot can attack domain name : port ; ftp , http , and so on .
5 . You can attack simultaneously up to 999 sites .
6 . Bot randomly change the User Agent .
7 . Referer Bot random changes .
8 . It may be blocking access to the administration console IP .
9 . All files in their transition to admin to see a 404 error .
10 . Even administrators will display a file 404 until you enter the valid password can be .
For example : GET - password " passwd " (specified in configuration ) in transition
? admin.php login = pass - will be a 404 , as with any true value is not
admin.php login = passwd - is a form of authorization ?
11 . Statistics Online and the total number of national programs .
I also want to say a few words about the bot system administrator .
1 . Comfortable and beautiful admin panel .
2 . 's No need to bother with the command specified site , said line , select a type of attack , press start and you 're done!
I would like to draw attention to the bot . In uncompressed and encrypted boat weighs about 180kb , I pressed 80 .
Otstuk about 96.8 % .
Details , details the life of the bot :
Reload 1k Asia without crypt , 100-200 exact day program . ( Various different sale )
Loaded 1k Asia crypt , an exact date bots online 300-400 .
And to be clear on that one day knock almost all programs .
A few words about the article :
In the area of governance , you can not see the list of programs , because , according to my opinion , is not necessary .
Statistics show only 2 - m parameters
Today : unique program in the last 24 hours .
Online : No online programs , it is ready to attack .
But other than that you can see how many national programs are online , or even knock a day .